Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pop a top again...

This has nothing to do with crafting, but I thought this was interesting. A few weeks ago, I had a Sprite Zero can in my car that I had taken to a training the day before but had never opened. I was getting in my car to go to another training and realized that the can was still in my car from the day before. At this time, we were having 100+ degree temperatures every day. I realized that the can might explode in my car while I was in my training that afternoon. I was parked in front of my house because my landlord had been working in the back that day where I usually park. I didn't have time to take the can inside so I put it on the little table on my front porch.
The next day I was in my living room and heard a loud popping sound. It was weird timing because the UPS guy had just rung the doorbell and walked to my neighbor's house. I looked out the window and couldn't figure out what had happened. The next day my friend Sarah was picking me up to go shopping and I saw this on my front porch...
There was only about a 1/2 cup of Sprite left in the can. Luckily it's a clear liquid so I didn't have a mess on the porch. Just goes to show you how HOT it is in Texas! The heat will peel the top right off of a can!
Another crazy thing that happened this summer was getting a flat tire on the way to a training. Sounds like I went to a lot of trainings this summer, right?!?! I noticed that pattern too!!! Luckily I was still in my driveway when it happened and my friend Karen lives close and could pick me up for the training. Anyway, this was one expensive mistake! No more flying out of the driveway for me!

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